Curriculum Vitae
Work Experience
Continued my Master thesis, a mechanization of inductive datatypes inside a first order logic theorem prover equipped with the axioms of set theory.
Proof formalization and mechanization of an optimization of a decentralized protocol adopted by financial institutions including Deutsche Börse, HKMA, Goldman Sachs, and BNP Paribas.
Developpement of a graphical interface in Java and a client-server architecture in C to drive a data acquisition system.
I am supervising / have supervised the following master theses:- Mario Tannous - Specification Inference for Scala and Stainless
I am supervising / have supervised the following bachelor theses:
- Valentin Hassinen - Field Testing Stainless by Verifying Daisy’s AST Library
- 1DL042 Programming (2025)
- 1DL201 Program Design and Data Structures (2024)
I have served as a Student Assistant for the following classes at EPFL:
- CS-550 Formal Verification (2022, 2023)
- CS-251 Theory of Computation (2022)
- CS-233 Introduction to Machine Learning (2021, 2022)
- EE-205 Signals and Systems (2021)
- CS-173 Digital System Design (2020)
Past Projects
Verified typecher and interpreter for System F in Scala. The software is verified with Stainless, a verification framework for Scala. Properties of the calculus such as progress, preservation and type derivation uniqueness are proved. This used to be the second largest project ever verified with Stainless. It is still used as a benchmark, as part of Bolts.